March is fondly referred to as the art month in Hong Kong. As a city at the heart of Asia's international art scene, Hong Kong offers a rich and diverse array of cultural experiences every March. This vibrant celebration of the arts brings together world-renowned art fairs, cultural summits, exhibitions, art festivals, screenings and performing arts programmes.
As the key strategic partner of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in taking forward the Blueprint for Arts and Culture and Creative Industries Development, the West Kowloon Cultural District (WestK), in collaboration with the relevant Government bureaux/ departments, various cultural institutions, art fairs, galleries and auction houses, launches the new Art March Hong Kong 2025 website to present an exceptional lineup of over 100 arts and cultural events in March.
This website not only highlights Hong Kong’s status as a premier and prominent arts and culture hub, but also fosters a deeper appreciation for the arts and culture among the public. It provides a comprehensive guide for both local and international audiences, presenting to them unparalleled opportunities to immerse in the city's dynamic cultural landscape.
Let’s embark on a cultural journey in Art March Hong Kong!
About the West Kowloon Cultural District (WestK)
WestK is one of the largest and most ambitious cultural hubs in the world and Hong Kong’s new cultural tourism landmark, spanning 40 hectares alongside Victoria Harbour. WestK comprises a mix of landmark arts and cultural facilities, including world-class museums M+ and the Hong Kong Palace Museum, intricately designed performing arts venues the Xiqu Centre and Freespace, the 11-hectare Art Park with a waterfront promenade, and the upcoming WestK Performing Arts Centre.
Hosting over 1,000 exhibitions, performances, programmes, and events each year, WestK provides a vital platform for both emerging and established artists. WestK welcomes more than 10 million visitors each year, evolving as the international cultural brand of Hong Kong and strengthening the city’s strategic role as an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange.
西九文化區濱臨維港,佔地 40 公頃,不僅是香港最新的文化旅遊地標,更是全球最具規模、 最富雄心的文化樞紐之一。區內設有眾多地標式文化藝術設施,包括世界級博物館 M+ 和香港故宮文化博物館、設計匠心獨運的戲曲中心和自由空間等表演藝術場地、佔地11公頃的藝術公園和海濱長廊,以及興建中的西九演藝中心。
西九文化区滨临维港,占地 40 公顷,不仅是香港最新的文化旅游地标,更是全球最具规模、 最富雄心的文化枢纽之一。区内设有众多地标式文化艺术设施,包括世界级博物馆 M+ 和香港故宫文化博物馆、设计匠心独运的戏曲中心和自由空间等表演艺术场地、占地11公顷的艺术公园和海滨长廊,以及兴建中的西九演艺中心。